Sunday, February 9, 2014

What a week

Oh what a week! This week was so great and emotional!
*I got an "A" on an important math test. 
*I got a 240 on my MAP math test.
*I'm officially a self-manager! Yay!! =]
*And my 2nd most favorite teacher left this week. She has a job in college, so she can't be the girls P.E. teacher anymore. :'( She is so amazing and hilarious and really pretty!! I don't want her to leave!!!Her name is Ms. Benger by the way. Anyways. I took some pictures of her and with her. This one girl was hugging her saying bye to her. Then the girl hugging Ms. Benger lifts her head up and her face is red and so are her eyes and her face was covered with tears. So I start crying!!! When the other girls saw us crying they got emotional. Then when the hugged her the started crying!!!!!!!! So we were all balling!!! Oh my gosh I am sooooo sad/mad that she is gone!!!
*I am naturally good at volleyball. I went to a volleyball clinic in Saturday and everything just came to me...and all of the poses and strikes and stuff was just soooo easy even though I have never done any of those things before. :)
*The stake YW's basketball team beat the stake leaders and Bishops in a 4 quarter basketball game!!!! Woot woot! Hahah my dad was also playing too....and I made like 5 of the points out of the 35 points! =]

Well here are some pictures. [=
Ms. Benger and me <3

Me crying!!! My friend had my phone....

She was saying bye to the other girls.

Ms. Benger is so great! We all surprised her with a huge card, balloons and that weird stringy stuff.

Love this picture <3

Ahh so sad. She is so great. =]

Well on the bright side we got rain that we most definitely needed!!
I thought the sun looked cool peeking through the clouds.


This was on a different day...but the sky was definitely stormy.

Again the sun wanted to say hi ;)
I thought this was legit =]]

Ok this was before mutual the other night...and I was a little bored. So I drew this masterpiece!

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