Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Game!!

Well on Saturday night, there was some basketball games that I went to with my dad. The first one was Reno High against Bishop Manogue girls team. It was their final game, so they had to play at Spanish Springs High. And obviously we wanted Reno!! And we one 56-45!! =]] Then the boys team played afterwards against the Spanish Springs boys team. Such a close game but we one again!!! 45-42!! So close! :) Haha the Almond family, Norton family, Pres. Challis and one of his sons, sister Jamison and the Crocco family were there too! They are all in the Truckee River ward, and then there is me and my dad...hahaha. We were all there because Breanne Almond was playing for the girls team and Colton Crocco was playing for the boys team. Woot woot!
Here are some pictures I took during the game.

BYU =]]


And other pictures from Tuesday night =]
Ashley and me <3

Courtney and me =]]

Tiffany and Courtney

Nyah and me :)

My shoes in black and white

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