Monday, January 13, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

Since it is the New Year's, I thought I should have some resolutions. So here they are:
*Keep my room clean at all times
*Have personal scripture study everyday
*Have personal prayer every morning and night and actually ponder them
*Keep my grades the way that are (A's)
*To stop dreading going to school the next day
*Wake up refreshed every morning and be happy to go to school
(BTW that's probably never going to happen)
*Think better thoughts
*Reduce the urge of wanting to cuss
*Do Personal Progress more often
*Get better at the flute and piano
*Hang out with friends more
*Work harder in my Pre-Algebra class
*Do my hair more often
*Eat healthier
*Write my sister Cathy more often
(She is on her mission in Argentina at this time)
*Learn the guitar
(I'm taking lessons with my dad :)
*Do homework before anything less important to do
I know that I have more, but I can't think of them this second. I'll probably post them when I do. =]

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