Thursday, March 27, 2014

This week

My ward had a cake auction to raise money for Girls Camp. Here are some pictures.

Yep. That was my cake. It sold for $55. Some other cakes sold for $100!! We raised well over $2,000!!! So we really don't have to pay for Girls Camp...even though my dad auctioned off like 4 cakes. He had to owe $210. =]
And here is Ms. Benger and me!!! Gosh I love her so much!! She was my old P.E. teacher.

 And here is my volleyball coach, Ms. T... her real last name is too hard to say and spell out. :)

 My team during a timeout.
And me when I got home from my game. WE WON OUR FINAL GAME!! Woot woot! =D

SOOOOOOO excited for Spring Break. It starts tomorrow. ;0

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