Friday, March 14, 2014

More Pictures

Well I had a great week. I mean GREAT! Went to an awesome band concert that I played in, won my volleyball game, and got to get closer as friends with my teammates. =] 

 Gabe =]
 My mom is famous!
 "I love my bestfriend like a fat kid lover cake"

 Christine, me, and Ian. :)
 Katie <3
 Christian Davis!!! Hahaha!! He was at the concert playing the saxophone!
 Cameo Flores <3
 The ONE AND ONLY Mr. Flores!!!! DAAAHH!!!!!
 Tori :)
 We were watching the wrestling game at my disgusted and took a pic.
 On the road to the game!

 Jamming out to music :D
 The Hilton or Grand Sierra Resort....
 I seriously love these girls. <3

 Waiting for parents to pick us up from practice.
 Hahah just more pictures I like. And the one of Kari was supposed to be a Snap Chat, but I liked her hair so I took a pic. =] Sorry to embarrass you Kari. ;) Then I really liked my eyes in that one, and then a random picture at one of my volleyball games. 

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