Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Fault In Our Stars

Oh. My. Gosh. So I just saw the movie called The Fault In Our Stars with a ton of my friends. Half of my school was there! Anyways, it is a book by John Green. I have never cried so hard like this in my life. My guy friends were crying too!! It was crazy! The whole auditorium was full of mostly teenagers ranging from ages 10-30. And a lot of really cute couples. 1/3 of the time, the whole auditorium was laughing, and 2/3, crying. I am serious, on the saddest part on the end, it sounded like everyone got shot and was trying to live. We were bawling so hard. I totally recommend this movie. Read it too! You will not regret it! And make sure to bring a lot of tissues for when you cry. ;)

         Movie cover                                                       Book cover                                                                    
                    Summary on the back of the book

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