Tuesday, June 24, 2014

So Bored

I know I'm going to Utah in a few days, but these first two weeks of summer have been so boring. I have my music camp that I'm going to soooo early in the morning. But that's it. It starts at 10 a.m.... Yes, that is not that early, but to me, it is. That means I had to wake p at 9 in the morning! That is waaaayy too early for me! But that's ok. I went to Wild Island water park. I got super tan. I have Utah to look forward to, and the basketball camp I'm going to at BYU, and GIRLS CAMP!!!!! WOOT! I can't wait!! YAY!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Just Funny

These are cute and funny. [=

 I like cooking, my family, and my pets.

 This is so true!

Oh gosh I want this shirt. ;)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Love This

My friend showed this to me on her phone and I about peed my pants from laughing so hard. This is my sisters Chrissy, Kari and Becky. Cathy isn't too scared of spiders. =]

I wish that spiders could talk. I'd be best friends with them!

The School Year

Oh my gosh! It is SUMMER! I still can't believe it! I already miss the 7th grade. Now I'm in the 8th grade. =] Here are memories of the school year. :)

 Yes, Mr. Lissner and Jose are holding hands. Haha (:

My Technology class. It was HUGE.

 MR. FLORES!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOO!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Well, on Sunday, my mom, dad and I went to an Arabian horse ranch to see some horses and feed them. I really loved it! I know that my dad absolutely LOVED it too. He grew up ONLY on ranches, and raised a million horses and rode them all of his life. He hasn't been riding for about 20 years, but he sure misses it. =]

 Haha I caught these two pictures (below) at the right moment =]

I have had some weird memories at 6 a.m. in the mornings at the bus stop with my friends! I'm gonna miss the 7th grade!
Haha I was sitting in the very middle of the road because I got tired....