Saturday, May 23, 2015

My Life Lately

Well, lats time I posted, it was February, and it was about Christmas. Haha...but I only have 3 weks left of school! Crazy, right? What's even crazier is that I will be a 9th grader in like 3 months! Like what??!? I'm not ready!!
Anyways, my 3rd oldest sister, Kari, got married over a month ago. It went really well! The weather was perfect, and the day was perfect! Everything went perfect, it couldn't have been more perfect.
If you didn't know, I have been in charge of the yearbook for my school. 

I. Have. Never. Been. More. Stressed. In. My. Life. 


But I got it done!! I learned a lot. I didn't meet all of my deadlines, but I got it done!! This made me so stressed that my grades in school started slipping. My teachers, friends, and family noticed that I didn't seem like myself. I made myself physically ill. I went home sick because I was so stressed!! But it's done, so I'm OK now. :) 

Otherwise, school is going good. I got a B.E.S.T. Kids award. It stands for Buisness, Educational, Skills Training. I got a couple of awards from the Secretary of State, and some other random awards. For school, I got a President's award. So I feel pretty special, even though those signatures are just stamped on or printed out. It's the thought that counts. :)