Monday, September 22, 2014

MORE School Fun =]

Well, its been a little over a month since I last posted. I have seriously been so busy. With school, church, basketball, and homework. It basically the same for everyone. are some more pictures of school fun and other randomness. =]

Top right: Me and my (best)friend Anthony. He has a recycling bin on his head. And he is taller than me, but he looks shorter than me in that pic =D
Top left: Me and my other best friend, Christine, just getting our pictures taken :)
Bottom right: Christine and I taking a bathroom selfie during class...
Bottom left: Stephanie and I at our last game of the season... :(

Then more selfies of my friends Adriana, Courtney and I....and my dad. =]

And a picture of my cousin, Cole, and I at our cousins wedding. He is older than me ;)