Saturday, August 16, 2014

School and Random

Well, school has started. I'm in 8th grade. Same old, same old. Tired every morning, Walk far to my bus stop. Super annoying 7th graders. 8 classes. Ugh. But, on the bright side, I get to see all of my friends. =] Here are random pictures. They are all from Instagram.

 At a pool party with my friend Jaiden
 First day of school picture with my friend Christine
Old picture of me and Kari =]

Well, life is still moving forward!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Girls Camp!!!

Well hey there! Sorry I haven't posted anything on here about girls camp yet, so here it is! These are just pictures.  The theme this year was happy everything. So my tent group was The Good Witches for Halloween.
 This is where my campsite was located
My tent mom, Sister Cooper
Pres. Foote, Pres. Chaillis, Pres. Farr and me =]
The Presidency and their wives
My friends
2nd Year hike
Sister Castiblanco and me
On top of Chuck's Rock
The water was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo low =[
At the creek
We went swimming
While I was swimming, I slipped on a rock underwater and half of my toenail on my left foot came off...basically. I was limping for the rest of camp.
Before I slipped...having fun! We all swam in the water. It was COLD.
Yep. The water was LOW.
We weren't that organized and clean...
At campfire
My big sisters, Alisa and Kelly
And my other big sister Ginny =] All of the red heads
Malie Norton and me
My most favorite person, Riley Elsmore
Lily, Ashley and me =]

I had such a great time!! Really spiritual. Our testimonies really grew. Till next year!!