Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Saturday, May 23, 2015

My Life Lately

Well, lats time I posted, it was February, and it was about Christmas. Haha...but I only have 3 weks left of school! Crazy, right? What's even crazier is that I will be a 9th grader in like 3 months! Like what??!? I'm not ready!!
Anyways, my 3rd oldest sister, Kari, got married over a month ago. It went really well! The weather was perfect, and the day was perfect! Everything went perfect, it couldn't have been more perfect.
If you didn't know, I have been in charge of the yearbook for my school. 

I. Have. Never. Been. More. Stressed. In. My. Life. 


But I got it done!! I learned a lot. I didn't meet all of my deadlines, but I got it done!! This made me so stressed that my grades in school started slipping. My teachers, friends, and family noticed that I didn't seem like myself. I made myself physically ill. I went home sick because I was so stressed!! But it's done, so I'm OK now. :) 

Otherwise, school is going good. I got a B.E.S.T. Kids award. It stands for Buisness, Educational, Skills Training. I got a couple of awards from the Secretary of State, and some other random awards. For school, I got a President's award. So I feel pretty special, even though those signatures are just stamped on or printed out. It's the thought that counts. :)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The New Year!

I haven't posted since last year, so her is my new years post! It has been great =] Lots of...EVERYTHING going on. Haha I guess I will start with Christmas? Yep. Well it was kind of lonely. Really fun!! Just only my parents, Cathy and my Grandma Anita. Our real family Christmas was one week later in Utah. =]

Playing ping-pong in the garage

My uncle Lonny, aunt Sheri, gma and gpa came for Cathy's mission talk. It was so fun :)

Christmas day dinner

This house one first place!! It was super cool!! It had a lot of music and lights changed with the beat of the music!
So, that was just Christmas break!

I TURNED 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cahty's hair                                      My Hair

Mt. Rose ward Young Women
 Well, Reno has been greatly blessed with LOTS and LOTS of NON STOP RAIN!!!!!

 My mom has been very busy making all 5 skirts for Kari's wedding. So you don't get confused, me, my 3 sisters, and Cooper's sister makes 5 :) Kari gets a beautiful white dress! That is all she has really been doing.
As for me, I am busy making the yearbook for my school. I am 1 of 5 people making it. It is so hard, but so fun!! I also have been choosing my classes for my freshman year in Wooster. It is scary to thing that I will be in high school later this year!!!
Until next time =]

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Happy Holidays

Well I haven't posted anything since before thanksgiving. So here it goes!
For thanksgiving, my parents and I went to Utah, to my sister's houses. We ate actual thanksgiving at Becky's house. Chrissy, Jeremy, Jacob, Kari and Cooper all came over, along with Chris, Camden, Jaelyn, mom, dad, and me. Cathy was still in Argentina at that time.
Here is a picture of dad and me on the drive to Utah.

 Then a picture of the whole family at the time...we used the iPhone timer thing.
Me and my youngest nephew, Jacob on the last day I was there.

Overall it was so fun to see family! And the food was DELISH!

This is random, but these people here are the sister missionaries in my ward, and I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!! Just throwing it out there. =]

Well, school is done for the year. And I definitely took LOTS and LOTS of pictures of me with my friends. And ALL of these people I have a picture with are my absolute best friends!! EVEN THE GUYS!!

Allyssa, she is so cool!

This is Anthony, and he is literally one of my top three BEST friends.

Christine and me ;)

Carlo and Ismael are super cool, too ; -)

Then me other 2 BEST friends =]

Adriana, Courtney and me

This is Jessica, and I LOVE HER SO MUCH!

This is Xavier, and we play ball together :D He is super random, and funny, and we always crack so many jokes together!!

Anthony again =]

Then Christine, me, Jessica, and Makayla!! LOVE THEM ALL!!

Here is just random =]

My hair, because I got a haircut that day =]

A photogenic picture of me when the lights were out. I was holding a candle.

 CATHY CAME HOME!!! She came on Tuesday, December 16. I missed school :D but I missed all of my finals for my classes for that day :/ but I took them the next day :)

 She is home =]
 For Good =D
Before Cathy came home, the Saturday before the Tuesday Cathy came, Becky, Chris, Camden and Jaelyn came for a little over a week.
Jaelyn and I =]
 On Wednesday the 17th, Kari and Cooper came. Then on Thursday, the next day, Chrissy, Jeremy and their baby Jacob came.
Little Jacob. LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!
 So we went caroling on Saturday, and we sat on the tailgate of my dads truck, and we also looked at lights.
From left to right: --> Chris, me, Cathy, Kari, Cooper, Camden, then Becky

Because we actually had the WHOLE ENTIRE FAMILY here, we took family pictures. Kari brougt her camera and she took the pictures, and used a tripod and all that fun stuff =]

Cooper, Kari and I went earlier to set up where we were going to take the pictures. So she was practicing on Cooper and me.

Haha =]

Cooper was making faces at the camera, it was pretty funny actually :)

All of us girls

We so cute ;)

And our family!!
I have had so much fun with my amazing family, and having Cathy home listening to her really spiritual stories from her mission. It is so great!


Saturday, November 15, 2014


Well, I just happened to be going to a church activity with Courtney, so we stopped at Scolari's to get some stuff for a school party the next day, but then we see 2 other girls that we are good friends with there too, Jackie and Allyssa. They were there to buy food for the same party were getting stuff for too, haha =] THEN, I spot my other best friend Anthony, who was as well buying dessert for the SAME school party too!!! It was so funny! So we took a picture, for good memories :)

I posted this on my Instagram too.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Mid Level Conference 2014: Leadership Under The Big Top

Well, on Monday the 10 of November, I went to a mid-level conference for ALL middle school leadership classes in northern Nevada. It was held at Reed High School from 12:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. So, me and the rest of us leadership got to skip our 8th period!!  I have math for 8th period. =] I'm not going to give all of the details of what happened, (What happened at Reed stays at Reed) but I will say that we had a very amazing speech by Kieth Hawkins. Not gonna say what it was about either. Then more amazingness happened.
Then we had dinner, and during dinner, it was also a huge dance party! I mean, 300+ people in one room dancing!!! The dances were really fun!!!! I mean we had to hop on our legs for a certain amount of time during the songs for long periods of times during the songs, then we had to do what it felt like 1 million squats during the dances also. They were just part of the dance moves of the songs. After dinner, I felt like I was just in P.E. class, but it was super awesome. =]
After that more fun and awesomeness happened, then the last hour was basically a concert with lots of flashing lights, loud cheering and screaming, laughing, dancing, singing, and standing. We were in their auditorium, and we had chairs, but like I said, it was like a concert, so were standing the whole dancing to the beast of the music. Here are just 2 pictures that I was able to get from the whole 8 hour conference:

 Anthony, me and Christine (From Instagram)

Then I posted this on Instagram. Its a close up of my lanyard and my I.D., my shirt, just some of the stuff I won, and a mirror picture of myself when I got home.
I learned so much from this really amazing experience and got to meet some really cool people. I learned to respect people a lot more. I also learned that my best friends are Anthony and Christine (And Adriana and Courtney) =D If you want to see more pictures, go to
and look up #midlevel2014 for more different pictures.

 So on Sunday I had my Young Women in Excellence. I just really like this picture that I took with Courtney :D

This is also from Instagram.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Random Updates

I know, I know I don't post as much as I used to. But here are some old pictures from back In October now that its November.  :)

 For mutual the other night, we went to the corn maze.

 A selfie from Instagram of Camden and me ;*

 Another one from Instagram..

And I also posted this on Instagram =] My AMAZING basketball team!! We went 5 wins and 1 loss! I love these girls sooo much!!!!!!